justin who?

well folks there's another justin!
its not justin timberlake brother from another mother
yeah his cute..super cute!
he's a singer. my sister told me
at first i dont want to hear any of his songs...
b'coz his song not on the billboard chart yet, heee~
but then my annoying sister always ask to download his songs
after download i dgr je la kan
sbb nak tau ape yg special nye psl bdk kecik ni sampai my sister tergila-gilakan..
sampai berebut dgn kwn-kwn die. haha
then ok la after dgr...ehm...
if i was 11 years old i akan ckp i love him to death!! *serious
tapi im 19 doe. nak 20 dah kot~
his songs was...okayy~ suara mcm bdk 4 tahun and mcm girls
haha x caye cuba dgr...tau la korg mcm mana.
lain org lain taste.. hehe.
its not justin timberlake brother from another mother
yeah his cute..super cute!
he's a singer. my sister told me
at first i dont want to hear any of his songs...
b'coz his song not on the billboard chart yet, heee~
but then my annoying sister always ask to download his songs
after download i dgr je la kan
sbb nak tau ape yg special nye psl bdk kecik ni sampai my sister tergila-gilakan..
sampai berebut dgn kwn-kwn die. haha
then ok la after dgr...ehm...
if i was 11 years old i akan ckp i love him to death!! *serious
tapi im 19 doe. nak 20 dah kot~
his songs was...okayy~ suara mcm bdk 4 tahun and mcm girls
haha x caye cuba dgr...tau la korg mcm mana.
lain org lain taste.. hehe.
**tapi my babyboo lagi comel. kan kan? ;)
Labels: bored lalak
At November 23, 2009 at 9:37 AM ,
wanny said...
tetap memuji baby boo dia jugak.
setia habes! :)
At November 23, 2009 at 11:22 AM ,
H said...
justin who?
At November 23, 2009 at 9:58 PM ,
lalak said...
hyde ; justin bieber
wanny ; hehe mesti la ;)
At November 25, 2009 at 3:36 AM ,
CouldBeBetterMalaysiaC2BM said...
nt u masok dlm phone.i wanna listen and credit him too.hahaha:D
At November 25, 2009 at 5:36 AM ,
lalak said...
sayang ; x nak la. xsuka. hikhik. tnggu lagu die msk radio ;p
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