someone msg this to me ;
i hate this people who doesn't appreciate me as her own BESTFRIEND. she always made excuses like there is 10 000 important things that she has to do. Like EXAM,COLLEGE ACTIVITIES etc.... But unfortunately i found out the 10 000 important things are PRIVATE PARTIES. dont call me BESTFRIEND if making sins is cool thing rather than being with me. sory i have to delete you from my BEST BUDDIES LIST.
well honey, its all up to u.
bnd btol. look...
this sem aku ada repeat 2 paper
then subject aku makin taff.
aku nak kene catch up, assgmnt lagi,
dan semua bnd ni buat kan masa aku makin suntuk,
membuatkan aku makin penat.
bnd btol. look...
this sem aku ada repeat 2 paper
then subject aku makin taff.
aku nak kene catch up, assgmnt lagi,
dan semua bnd ni buat kan masa aku makin suntuk,
membuatkan aku makin penat.
i miss you
yes i do miss to lepak with u
tdo with u and do what we used to do
but then ape aku boley buat bila ada bnd lagi penting nak kene buat
kolej aktiviti tu mmg aku perlu buat sbb nak msk hostel utk sem dpn
psl prvte party?
pls...bnd semua tu aku da lama buat
lagi pun itu hak aku
kenapa baru nak pertikaikan?
aku upload sbb bdk-bdk tu nak gambar
aku upload sbb aku yg pegang memory
nampak mcm aku asyik pergi sbb before this aku x pernah ada gambar mcm tu..kan?
nampak mcm aku asyik pergi sbb aku upload gambar tu bertalu-talu..kan?
padahal bnd tu da lama
and kenapa perlu ckp
haih. kau pergi club kan?
club dgn prvte party tu lebih kurg je ok. apa bezanya?
x perlu kot nak ckp mcm tu
aku mintak maaf
aku tau sedikit sebanyak mmg salah aku
and sekarang..
terpulang kat kau kalau kau still nak kwn aku ke x
terpulang kat kau semuanya
aku nak ckp trime kasih for evrything
aku happy pernah jadi kwn baik kau
aku happy pernah kenal kau
aku happy kau sebahagian dari hidup aku
i do love u sampai aku mati.
apa-apa carilah aku.
aku sentiasa ada.
btw, happy birthday in advance.
aku rasa kehadiran aku x diperlukan masa party kau nnt
dan mungkin juga buat masa ni
jaga diri BESTFRIEND.
Labels: sad lalak
At November 18, 2009 at 6:32 AM ,
Anonymous said...
things like this always happen in our life.
kadang² bestfriend kita sendiri tak faham dgn life kita or masalah yg kita hadapi.
hope u can relax and tabah dgn situasi mcm nie.its better u think about paper yg kena repeat tu.tu lgi penting.masa depan u
At November 18, 2009 at 7:11 AM ,
lalak said...
thnx fyda. hope so.
At November 18, 2009 at 6:00 PM ,
wanny said...
if your own bestfriend doesnt seem to understand no point of thinking about her feelings kan?
pedulikan.ur future is more important.
gud luck lalak!
my result is killing me too :(
At November 18, 2009 at 6:17 PM ,
lalak said...
sbb i syg die dats y i fikir perasaan die. i tau die kecewa kat sana. tapi i kat sini pun tersepit dgn keadaan. cuba die letak keadaan die kat i. baru die tau how its like to be in my shoes.
btw tnx wanny. good luck to u to.
At November 18, 2009 at 10:17 PM ,
nurizzaty said...
omg,who the hell?
At November 18, 2009 at 10:54 PM ,
lalak said...
At November 19, 2009 at 12:16 AM ,
iera aqila said...
i cm sedih benda ni jd between korg. haih. wtv it is.. i syg both of you kay. anything.. let me noe. tc baby
At November 19, 2009 at 3:08 AM ,
lalak said...
i love u iera. thnx ada selalu dlm masa susah senang. i syg u sgt.
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