lalak day and night

don't make me lose my trust in you, don't make me hate you. just don't.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Silence isn't always golden

Tell me my faults and I shall fix them

Tell me what I’ve done wrong and I shall apologize

Tell me what to do and i shall co
mplete them

Tell me how and I shall do it your way

Tell me what's missing and I shall replace

Tell me what's lacking and I shall improve

Tell me your doubts and I shall answer them

Tell me your worries and I shall assure you

Tell me your fear and I shall comfort you

Tell me your regrets and I shall lend you my shoulder

Tell me to utter and I shall speak

Tell me to care and I shall not ignore

Tell me to remember and I shall not forget

Tell me secrets and I shall know

Tell me the truth and I shall understand



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